Hazardous Areas and Site Contamination

Landslide and Flooding Hazards

Coastal BC has varied landscapes from mountains and rivers, to tidal flats and coastal bluffs. Along with their attractive scenic and environmental qualities, these landscapes can inherently present hazards for development.

In order to assess and manage these hazards, the Town of Comox may require a geotechnical report in regard to proposed developments that have a risk of landslide or flooding. The review may be the result of applications for:

  • Rezoning to a new zone;
  • Variance to a zoning regulation;
  • Development permits;
  • Building permits;
  • Variance to a development servicing regulation;
  • An exemption from the Town’s Flood Plain bylaw;
  • A subdivision of land; or
  • Another land-use issue or some combination of the above.

If you have a question as to whether a geotechnical review is required for your development or construction or need information on geotechnical report requirements please contact the Town of Comox Planning Department 250-339-1118.

Contaminated Sites Guide

This guide has been prepared to assist applicants in the process of determining whether or not a Site Disclosure Statement is required in accordance with the Province of BC’s Environmental Management Act and the Contaminated Sites Regulation.

Contaminated Sites Guide (PDF)