Age-friendly communities feature policies, programs and services designed to make it easier for older adults to remain physically and socially active within the community. The idea of age-friendly communities was brought to the forefront in 2007 with the release of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities model and associated programs.
The Town of Comox, like many other communities in British Columbia, is taking steps to actively encourage development that considers the changing needs of older adults, while also providing amenities for individuals of all ages. The province of British Columbia, recognizing the importance of age-friendly initiatives, has created a set of resources to help municipalities become more age-friendly.
During the Official Community Plan process, the Town of Comox conducted a series of meetings with older adults specifically focused on age-friendly planning initiatives, which resulted in the following reports:
Age-friendly objectives include increased safety and accessibility and the consideration of the needs of aging adults in planning and development decisions.
The Town of Comox is taking steps to meet these objectives, most notably through the incorporation of “Adaptable Housing Standards” into the Town of Comox Zoning Bylaw 1850 (PDF). These standards resulted in the completion of the Town’s first adaptable residential units in the summer of 2012 and allow the Town and Planning Department to mandate housing options that are better suited to the needs of current and future Comox residents.
For more information regarding age-friendly planning policies, please contact the Town of Comox Planning Department either in person at Town Hall or by phone at (250) 339-1118.