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Small Scale Multi-Family Housing

The provincial government enacted new housing legislation Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development), with the goal of increasing the speed and supply of new housing across BC. Bill 44 requires that local governments must permit up to 4 small-scale multi-family housing units on properties exclusively zoned for single– or two-family use.  

On June 19, 2024, the Town of Comox adopted, Bylaw 1850.47 Provincial Small Scale Multi-Family Housing to amend Zoning Bylaw 1850 by: 

  • Updating R1.2 Mobile Home zone to permit additional small-scale multi-family units; 
  • Creating a new R1.0 Small-Scale Multi-Family Housing zone to permit additional small-scale multi-family units and rezoning most residential properties to this zone; 
  • Making other consequential changes required to reflect the amendments, such as definitions, parking requirements, the numbering and order of the bylaw sections 

In Comox, over 4,000 lots are impacted by the Small Scale Multi-Family Housing (SSMFH) legislation. The legislation only applies to residential parcels which limit land use to single-detached or duplex. The uptake of new housing in areas impacted by SSMFH legislation is expected to be incremental.

A guide to small scale multi-family housing in Comox  

Small Scale Multi-Family Housing Graphic

Note: The Town has submitted an extension request to the province for the properties shown shaded in Maps 1 & 2 below due to servicing limitations and/or hazardous conditions. At this time, the zones for these properties have not been updated to comply with Bill 44.

Mapping - Westshore Detail
Map 1: West Foreshore Extension Area 
Mapping - Kye Bay Extension Area
Map 2: Kye Bay Extension Area 


More background information can be found in the related links below. 

Contact the Planning Department at 250-339-1118 or if you have any questions regarding the new zones.