A formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request is NOT required to access the following records from the Town of Comox:
- Agendas & Minutes - Open Meetings
- Annual Reports
- Appear as a Delegation
- Applications and Forms
- Budgets
- Building Permits
- Building Permit Summaries
- Business Licences
- Bylaw Enforcement
- Bylaw Notice Adjudication System
- Bylaws
- Climate Action Plan and Risk Assessment
- Committee Membership
- Community Events - Large-Scale
- Corporate Strategic Priorities
- Demographics
- Development Costs, Fees & Guidelines
- Development Permits & Development Variance Permit Notices
- Downtown Economic Development Strategy
- Elections
- Financial Statements
- Flag Raising Requests
- Garbage Collection / Recycling Schedule
- Job Postings
- Maps
- Marinas
- Media Releases & Public Notices
- Notices - Development Permit Applications
- Notices - Rezoning
- Official Community Plan (OCP)
- Parks and Fields
- Permits – Applications for Banners, Business Licence, Mobile Vendors, Park Use, Road Use, Signs, etc.
- Property Taxes
- Provincial Nominees Program (PNP)
- Public Hearing Agendas & Minutes
- Recreation Programs - General Information, Applications, Registrations
- Street Banner Permits
- Tenders, RFPs & EOIs
- Transportation Master Plan Update (2020)
- Zoning & Rezoning - General Information
Records that are not readily available:
- Agendas & Minutes - Closed Meetings
- Agreements/Contracts/Leases/Service Contracts
- Building plans and lot survey plans are protected by copyright and cannot be released routinely. Under Section 15(1)(l) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), a public body's head can withhold information if its disclosure might reasonably harm property or system security, such as buildings. This includes, but isn't limited to, property owners' names, personal contact details like addresses and phone numbers, financial data, correspondence documents, and file comments/notes.
- Development Permits & Development Variance Permits – Applications & Individual Case Files
- Projects/ Project Files
- Proposal and Bid Summaries
- Records in the custody or control of another public body must be obtained directly from that body (Agricultural Land Commission, BC Assessment, BC Liquor Control & Licensing, Land Title Office, RCMP, Service BC)
- Rezoning - Individual Case Files
- Subdivisions – Applications / Plans
The BC Freedom of Information Act ("FOIPPA") allows you access to records held by the Town of Comox. Please submit a written request to Town of Comox, 1809 Beaufort Avenue, Comox, BC V9M 1R9 or town@comox.ca. You must include your contact information, a description of the records you are seeking, and a relevant date range of the records (if applicable).