Nominate an Outstanding Youth!
Nominate youth who make outstanding contributions to our community or have overcome personal barriers.
Outstanding nominees will be invited to the dinner to celebrate their dedications to the Town of Comox and their achievements.
Friday, May 10; 6:00 - 7:30 pm
2024 Nomination Forms can be found here.

Youth Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment
March 2022 - The Town of Comox required a plan that assessed and provided recommendations for outdoor recreation and parks infrastructure for youth 12 - 18 years. This consultation report actively searched out and engaged youth to help identify priorities of outdoor recreation and park amenities. The report identified and connected with Comox youth, families and the community, to identify the needs. A special thanks to the local youth involved in the planning, implementation and decision-making activities for this project and Engaged Recreation Solutions for their work in compiling the report.
Important Contacts for Youth and Families
- Vancouver Island Crisis Line: 1-888-494-3888
- Crisis Centre: 1-800-784-2433
- Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868, 24 hours a day
- Health LinkBC: Dial 811 any time of the day or year or 1-800-784-2433
- Comox Valley Nursing Centre referrals: 250-331-8524