North East Comox Stormwater Management Plan

In late 2020, the Town garnered feedback on the preferred option (Option 3) for the North East Comox Stormwater Management Plan from property owners, tenants and stakeholders. In early 2021 Council directed staff to prepare Northeast Comox Stormwater Management Plan implementation bylaws to enable future growth in that area based on environmental stormwater management best practices. The implementation bylaws went to Council in June 2021 and received first and second reading, initiating the Notice of Proposed Amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to commence. 

Project Background

A study to create a Stormwater Management Plan for the North East Comox Neighbourhood was completed. The North East Comox Neighbourhood Study Area is comprised of properties that drain into:

  • Queens Ditch Catchment
  • Lazo Marsh Conservation Area, or
  • Downslope agricultural lands adjacent to the Queen's Ditch

The result of the study is a Stormwater Management Plan that provides a series of infrastructure servicing and development guidelines to mitigate potential negative effects in relation to existing Queen’s Ditch flood frequency and duration, downstream fish habitat, downslope agricultural activities, and Lazo Marsh. The North East Comox Stormwater Management Plan was developed in three phases:

  • Phase 1 - Determination of pre-development site conditions, hydrology and hydrogeology
  • Phase 2 - Determine post-development unmitigated flow rates, volumes
  • Phase 3 - Develop design standards
