Hands on Farm Logo
Hands on Farm Logo

Hands on Farm

The Hands on Farm will be open starting June 10th. 

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 4:00 pm


Talk With the Animals! Walk With the Animals! Squawk With the Animals! 


$61 - 3 people 
$104 - 6 people
$40Summer Family Pass (up to 5 people)

Cash, debit and credit cards are accepted on-site.  

While you're at the Farm, we encourage you to stroll through the beautiful Park gardens, visit the Filberg Park Lodge, explore the wonderfully maintained heritage home or grab a bite to eat at the Summer Kitchen. 

Comox Valley farmers support Hands on Farm with their generous donation of animals for the summer. Support our farmers by buying your produce and farm sales locally. 

Group Bookings 

Bring your school, daycare or group to Hands on Farm. Call 250-207-FARM(3276) or email farmer1@comox.ca to book your time. Adults (18 years and older) with groups are free. Group rates apply. 

Volunteer at the Farm 

Love animals and the Farm? Volunteer with the Farm this summer! Applicants must be 13 years and older. Complete the volunteer application form and email it to the Farm supervisor. 

Volunteer Form 

How to Make Your Visit to the Farm a Success 

Don't feed the animals! Our staff and volunteers keep the animals well-fed with healthy farm feed. They don't need any treats! 

Don't touch your eyes or mouth or consume food at the Farm. Wash your hands after your visit. There is soap and water at the Farm and public washrooms at the Filberg Park. 

Wear closed-toed shoes. Animals don't watch where they're stepping, which can hurt little toes. 

Be sun smart! We encourage visitors to bring water, sunscreen and a hat.  

Have questions? Ask our friendly Farm staff! 

Please note: Our HOF animals may change over the summer. Animals go back to their owners for reasons of health, sociability with people or other animals and changing mandates. Animals pictured on the website and marketing materials may not reflect actual animals at the Farm. 


    HOF Farm